I had some sad plums sitting in the kitchen. They were annoying me intensely as they were bought as'Ripen at Home' you know the sort of thing. They were still hard but were beginning to go bad. I love plums and didn't want to waste them. I put my thinking cap on and decided to make a crumble. This is what I did.
Plum Crumble
To serve four
8 - 10 plums
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 teasp cinnamon
A good slug of Marsala or other sweet dessert wine ( or fruit juice would do)
Stone and half the plums and place in a saucepan
Sprinkle them with brown sugar and cinnamon and stew them gently in the Marsala until just tender, about ten minutes.
Lift them out and place them, with the juice, in a buttered oven proof dish.
12 (approx)digestive biscuits
2 tablespoons of flour
4 tablespoons of brown sugar
100gms/4ozs butter.
I whizzed it all together in the food processor but if you are doing it by hand you could smash the biscuits to fine crumb in a plastic bag with a rolling pin. Rub the butter into the flour stir in the sugar and then the biscuit crumbs
Scatter the crumble over the plumbs
Bake in a pre heated oven 180.C/160/CFan/350.F/Gas4 for about 15-20 minutes.
It was delicious. I certainly will use this again with other fruits. Lovely and golden and crunchy
[image: Rice and Smothered Cabbage Soup]
The recipe I am sharing with you today was adapted from a delicious soup
recipe I found in the book, Essenti...
Crumble and plums, two of my favorite things! Mmmhhh...
I think most fruit is better cooked and under a layer of crumble! I like the idea of biscuit crumbs in the crumble, that would be delicious.
Gees this look incredibily delicious!
I love plum crumble Granny, and yours looks so delicious! I must try the biscuit crumbs idea, sounds so good.
Dear Brenda I love plums!!!! so this is heaven to me!! is divine!! xxgloria
I love crumbles too!!! je,je, gloria
Dear R's so very glamorous Gran,
Have gone all soppy now at your mentioning of plums. Since my parents live about ten hours car drive away, door to door, or nearly two hours by plane, I cannot partake in my mother's current plum cake bonanza - a hardship if ever there was one; and I don't even have a sweet tooth.
I remember picking plums, berries, apples, tomatos, anything, RIPE and when needed. Bring on the violins.
Now you have to plan ahead: "Ripen at home". How long for exactly? Will that bullet of an avocado be ready when needed? If I hear the word "sun ripened" one more time I shall move to Southern Europe.
Still, bananas work well since I like them underdone. Nectarines also seem to understand what they are supposed to do - just buy them by the bucket load three days in advance.
Other than that, yes, the lovely crumble. One of British cuisine's finest standbys.
This looks delicious! I sometimes have that with fruit as well. Don't know how that happens! But you sure managed to make something good out of those plums!
Looks delightful Brenda. I love the idea of the biscuit crumbs.
What a lovely pud for an autumn day. Beautifully photography as usual :)
That looks like a great way to have plums.
Just what I needed to hear! I've got a big bowl of plums annoying me; I was lacking the inspiration to do something. This looks great and what I'm going to make tomorrow!
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