I am a sixty something Granny who loves life, my family and the never ending wonder of my Grandchildren.
I love cooking baking or whatever I can put together in my kitchen. I am really an old fashioned plain cook. It is my hope by putting all the old recipes I like to use, and some wonderful new ones, together here on my Blog, I will have a record for my granddaughters and grandsons when they grow up. It is nice to share these recipes along the way too.
I truly am a silver surfer. Isn't the internet a magical place where you can reach out and communicate with like minded people you would never have met otherwise.
[image: Andes Mint Cookies]
As soon as I saw these cookies over on Two Peas & A Pod, I knew they were
something that I wanted to bake. They looked a...
Great to learn more about you! I totally agree with you regarding the fact that internet is great!
Hello GRANNY... you look GREAT for fifty something...
Hi Granny, the revamp on the site looks fab. Well done babe, you are definately a glam gran.
Hi Granny, I've just been on the NL forum and noticed you're from Northern Ireland like myself! I'm in rural Fermanagh - you're not local to me are you?
Like Yummy Mummy I am also in Northern Ireland! Co Antrim for me.
Granny, thanks for taking the time to read my blog but I've since made it private. I want to blog about my family as well as my cooking and I don't want pics of my wee boy floating all over the internet. I'll still be reading yours though!
You're site is beautiful! Very nicely done. I'll be adding it to my favourites list! =)
Kate Alexandra
A lovely site full of delicious ideas. I shall definitely be trying the Ragu.
Thank you for sharing.
Victoria in Portugal
I love your blog! I arrived from Vi's Pantry. She posted your fabulous Granny rolls!
From another 50 something granny. Just found your site and look forward to reading more. I loved it.
¿Te gusta el cocido madrileño?
You have a wonderful blog and i like your recipes here.
..i like your blog its nice..
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