escalated? More than ever I am seeking out recipes which don't cost a lot to make but are tasty and interesting. This I think fits the bill. I used a product called Vegetable Roll which is peculiar to Northern Ireland but any sausage meat will do. I also made my own pastry which is so quick and easy to do. I am never organised enough to defrost frozen pastry. Five minutes in a food processor and you have it. Simple.
Sausage Plait Serves 2
Preheat the oven to 200˚C/400˚F/Gas 6. Mix together the sausage meat with the onion, apple and sage for seasoning. Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface to a 30cm (12in) square. Cut around the edges to neaten them. Then make 5-6cm (2-2 ½ in) long cits on the opposite sides of the pastry, at a slightly downward angle and about 2.5cm (1in) apart -but not opposite each other, alternate them instead. Brush water around the edges. Place the sausage meat mixture in the centre of the pastry Fold down the pastry top, then bring up the cut sides, alternatively overlapping them to give a plaited effect, folding up the bottom edge of the pastry before bringing over the final side strip. Press the pastry together well at the ends to seal it. Slide the plait onto a lightly greased baking sheet, then brush the pastry with the egg glaze. Bake the plait in the centre of the oven for 30-40minutes, or until the pastry has risen and is golden. Remove from the oven and serve either hot or cold. I did the whole thing on the baking sheet. Saved faffing around |
Pastry (If you so wish)
- 250g strong white flour
- A pinch of salt
- 250g cold unsalted butter, cut into 5mm slices
- A squeeze of lemon juice
- 5-6 tablespoons iced water
Pulse the flour and salt together in the processor, then add the butter and pulse 3-4 times, the butter should be cut up but still be in visible chunks.
Add a squeeze of lemon juice and the iced water, and pulse till the pastry begins to form a ball, then tip out onto the bench and form a ball. Wrap tightly in cling wrap and rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Dust the benchtop with flour, then roll the pastry into a long rectangle into a long rectangle three times longer than it is wide, then fold it in three like a business letter. Roll out again to the same length and repeat the fold and roll another 2 times (not rolling out after the last fold).
Wrap in cling wrap and rest in the fridge for another 30 minutes before using it to allow the gluten to relax.
When baking, brush with a lightly beaten egg white and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees C till puffed and golden brown.
I did the rolling and folding straight from the processor then stuck it in the fridge while I made up the filling. Works beautifully. Half the quantity will do for this recipe.
Pastry from a food processor, maybe I could master that.
Now you are back for sure! :D
This really looks yummy. I love pastry crust and meat filling just as much as pastry crust and fruit filling. Your recipe for the crust seems fairly straight forward easy. Great recipe.
Grannymar - I hope so and yes you could do the pastry no probs. X
Kitchen Window - It is good and just as easy. You'll love it I promise
Yes, prices have escalated. Meat is overpriced and so are veggies. That is one wonderful recipe. This sausage plait looks delicious!
Nice to see you back blogging Granny x
the sausage plait looks so tasty!
Rosa - Yes things are seriously expensive aren't they?
Anna - Thank you x
Brenda, I love this recipe look absolutely tasty, delicious! gloria
That looks wonderfully tasty! I agree about the costs of food. It's outrageous. I wonder where it will stop . . .
Gloria - Thank you x
Marie - I don't think it will. Mind you as long as I can have my wee glass of red with whatever I make for dinner it's not so bad ;)
Te quedo un pastel precioso!!!!!
What is it about adding apple to savoury dishes? SUCH a delicious option, it should happen more often:) I only ever use my processor for pastries - hands are too warm for more than a quick knead. Of course home-made tastes that much better:D Delicious job on a value for money meal Granny:D
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