[image: Extra Easy Lemon Drizzle Loaf]
I am reeling from having gotten very little sleep over the past two nights
here. I hate Daylight Saving's Time...
Hello hello, long time no see! I’m still here, still a cook book obsessive
and still cooking. I buy fewer books now, which is a matter of space,
[image: Coriander Chapatti puffing up in a hot pan]
It was only my second time making these Coriander Chapatti but they’re very
satisfying to make. If yo...
We jokingly call these meaty, greeny, cheesy, beany, spicy baked chickpeas
because, well, internet recipe naming conventions make us laugh but I
really t...
Did you know it’s possible (and easy!) to make vegan meringue? That’s
right. Fluffy, toastable vegan meringue is achievable with a humble can of
This flatbread is made from white whole wheat flour and packed with seeds -
pepitas, sunflower, poppy, and mustard seeds. You can pull the dough out
Now that Halloween’s over, thought I’d use the pumpkin I bought. I like to
use the flesh in a cake or soup and to roast the seeds with a spice.
You Nee...
This classic egg mayo recipe (or egg mayonnaise if you prefer) is jazzed up
nicely with the addition of sweetcorn. Leave it out if you'd rather, but it
As an exploring baker, I have tried and tested many double chocolate chip
cookies recipes that are listed at HERE and I know it is difficult to look
Easy to make, unusually moist chocolate cupcakes and no mixer required! No
eggs either, the recipe uses a combo of baking soda and vinegar for
leavening. ...
Sono quattro anni ormai che abbiamo aperto la prima Gelateria Zucchero,
seguita poi dopo appena un anno dalla seconda.
Nel corso degli anni abbiamo svilupp...
This loquat didn't make it, they do not like wet feet!
Suriname Cherry re sprouting after being underwater for several days.
Dunks tree aka Indian jube jub...
280 g golden syrup 75 g butter 1-2 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp ground ginger
allspice for taste if you wish 1 grated lemon rind 100 g sugar 2 eggs 100
ml sour cream...
My sister taught me how to force open inexpensive grocery store roses. I
love how the pedals are bent back. The whole rose explodes to a much
bigger f...
350 gr farina
1 cucchiaino di lievito
150 gr burro
175 gr zucchero di canna
1 uovo
2 cucchiaini zenzero in polvere
1 cucchiaino di cannella in...
The end of October brings Halloween and this is the perfect excuse to twist
things in the kitchen. It doesn’t need to be complicated. The simple
sausage wr...
We are so proud of our niece Michaela who graduated from St. George’s
Medical School with honors! The graduation was Sunday afternoon, June 10th!
It’s easy to question the value and usefulness of products such as frozen
omelettes and ‘easy’ garlic, but they can be a lifeline for consumers with
It’s been a while, and a lot has happened. I kept telling myself I’d get
back to blogging in a day, a week, whatever, and then I was kind of like,
isn’t ...
Soothe your sore throat using this old-fashioned remedy. Take 3 or 4 dried
sage leaves and put them into a cup of hot water. Let them stand for
... for many, preparing the big meal on Christmas Day can be a little
stressful. If you’re expecting the hoards to descend then there’s a lot to
do and m...
I had virtually no time to bake this weekend but, nonetheless, wanted some
home baking. This is the perfect recipe to have up your sleeve – the work ...
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
Lately there has been an ongoing dialogue in my head about food choices. I
bake a lot at home, so I’m well aware of how much basic ingredients cost.
Ever s...
DE - Vierundzwanzig Schwarzdrosseln
ES - La Tarta de Zarzamoras
FR - Le Mort Avait les Dents Blanches
GR - Τέσσερα και είκοσι κοτσύφια
HU - A Szedertorta...
You may have noticed that the addendum that is posted at the bottom of each
story inviting readers to send in their own contributions has been missing
*Black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel, sweet as love.- Charles
Maurice de Talleyrand *
The fresh smell of coffee soon wafted through the a...
It has been forever since I last updated this blog. Life happens and
priorities change . However I missed blogging as it is one of my fave
things to d...
It is with slight trepidation and a mix of sadness and excitement that I
wish to let you know that I have decided to finish blogging. I started this
Desainrumahinterior.com – Desain ruang tamu minimalis. Salah satu yang
cukup penting di dalam sebuah rumah adalah interior dari ruang tamu, dan
tema yang b...
*(Hakata Mon Style)*
One of my old favourite places to eat in Beaverton *(Oregon)* was a
Japanese place called Hakata Mon th...
This is what I miss working full time and in a full on project. Don't get
me wrong...I am loving the project and the great people in the team but to
- 2 pechugas de Pollo
- 100 grms de bistec de Ternera
- 200 grms de calamar
- 200 grms de gambas peladas
- 100 grms de judias verdes de las pe...
I unashamedly admit to owning a breadmaker! I have long since gotten over
the feeling that it is not an authentic way to make bread. I very rarely
bake b...
Weber Baby Q is just the right grill for taking to the game, and of course,
a picnic or camping. It gets up to temperature fast and cooks evenly.
The grill ...
A perfect way to use up leftover mincemeat from Christmas, giving you a
lovely dark and fruity cake with baked crumble topping. It's delicious and
easy ...
Ahh, culinary school. I miss going to culinary school. Exciting and
intimidating at the same time. Wearing crisp white chef jacket, that stupid
cap, and ...
I think, of all the wonderful produce from near my home in Aberdeenshire,
haddock is one of my favourites. It is a wonderful meaty fish and makes
the p...
Buon pomeriggio a tutti , ultimamente sono un po pigra e stanca , non so
forse è il tempo o forse sono solo io che mi sento cosi per le mie
condizioni d...
Mr. kenju started a pipe and tobacco smokers group about 17 years ago.
They meet once a month and have an "expo" once a year, usually at our
fairgrounds. ...
I've been meaning to make these for ever such a long time, and although I
know it's not an original idea, we seem to be having a mini heatwave
reminiscent ...
A couple of disclaimers...
1. I'm not writing this for attention, or ego stroking... complements are
very welcome and I appreciate support but this is a de...
Many thanks have to go to Electrolux for providing us with a pair of
tickets to Taste of Dublin this year. Taste of Dublin has become an annual
event that ...
We are knee deep in First Communion and Confirmation parties at the moment
- it is wonderful to have a happy event to celebrate, filled with hope and
*As some of you might know, Facebook is the latest and quickest way of
reaching friends, old and new. I have started a cake page on there called
Cakes by S...
A very short and sweet post this month, but I am supposed to start packing
for the plane that leaves in 12 hours to take me home. I am/was away in
These little beauties were a product of my Naughty or Nice column in The
Irish Independent’s Weekend magazine. I had wanted to highlight cherries as
a dele...
Taking my Shanghai experience to a new blog
where I will expand not only on my foodie experiences in Shan...
As more and more people start being aware of their quality of food goes
into their body, the lifestyle of vegetarian is getting more attention than
ever be...
Here is an article from Gourmet Live that proves we wouldn’t take pleasure
in a multitude of various food stuffs, restaurants or cafes that we do in
our da...
Fresh from the oven is changing and this blog will no longer be updated. If
you still want to see the breads our members bake every month or better yet
Since Lotte's Kitchen opened on April 30th last year our cakes have gained
quite a reputation. Not the bad kind you understand - but the delicious,
"Chocolate and beetroot? Crazy!"
That's basically what I thought when I first heard of this recipe a few
years ago, but I've seen lots of other food blogg...
*Amiche, amici, simpatizzanti, ho aperto un nuovo blog: *
*ove, per non disperdere i miei contributi ...
This summer, I've been struggling with my desire to eat nothing but peanut
butter milkshakes (and Peanut Buster Parfaits, and Tin Roof Sundaes, you
get t...
I can't believe I've neglected my poor, innocent blog for the best part of
a year! I've decided I need a hobby to fill a void in my meaningless life
and t...
Oh, wow. Loooong time no post.
Life gets busy with an infant around! I've still been cooking and trying
new recipes once in a while, I just haven't been get...
With Halloween done and dusted my attention has turned towards Bonfire
Night and of course the cakes that I want to make to celebrate. For this
little pr...
This is my favourite soup - very quick and easy to make, very tasty - and
filling too because of the lentils.
Fry onion, celery and garlic in a little oil ...
Now do excuse the smudge on the plate. It was only after I'd eaten the
pudding that I realised that moving the strawberry was not the best of
This ...
Oh my! I didn’t realise it’s the 27th already! Well in fact it’s almost the
The July 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Sunita of *Sunita...
[image: Happy_101_-_Little_Space_Kristy[1]]
For English Readers only:
Dear readers,
I was contacted by my Italian friend Manu (she lives in Milan and love...
* Oh dear! Bit of a headache this morning. Had a roaring party in the
kitchen. Overindulged in that potent mixture of furniture polish and
porridge oats. W...
*H*ello to our dear readers here at Baking Cakes Galore, its Rosie’s
daughter here - Miss R. posting on her behalf. My mum sends you her
apologises for he...
ATTENTION! This blog has moved. To access the latest posts, please update
your bookmarks to http://www.homemakers.com/blog/danasblog/ and your RSS
readers ...
*Has it been six months already since I have made a new post on this blog?
My, how time flies when you are having fun.*
*Since I have been away, I have ...
A few days ago I bought Jo Pratt's new book In The Mood For Entertaining.
This is a lovely looking book and the photos are gorgeous. There are so
many rec...
*J*ust to remind you I have moved I am now *Blogging at Baking Cakes Galore*
*.* Call by at my new blog for all new bakes and recipes.
My latest creation t...
I would like to publically apologise to the shining star of wonderful
gorgeousness English Mum for not having her on my blogroll. I am a shoddy
fellow Iri...
I discovered this recipe a couple of weeks ago on the RecipeZaar site
whilst looking for a salad to use up some cooked basmati rice I had in the
I wanted to make a cake for my friend who was going off on maternity leave
last week so I thought I would try and make a baby out of sugar paste and
put va...
I hope that you are doing.
Hope that you're keeping well and nothing is wrong xx
Looking forward to it!!! Hope all is well. Susan
well we love you and miss you... better be back soon!
I missed you Brena, hope all is OK. and hope we will see you soon!! gloria, huggs and Love ya!
Know you are missed! Will a hug bring you back?
Big hugs!
Hope you are ok? Look forward to seeing you blogging again!
Best Wishes and All Good Things
Look forward to seeing you back - glad you posted. Hope all okay.
Take care.
Hi Granny
Hope all is well with you - please let us know!
JB xxx
I love the face lift. Big time. Now post a recipe.... I dare you! ;)
Grannymar, I'm coming I'm coming :D
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