I have seen a few posts about this on various blogs I could not resist having a go myself. It was good education for my grand daughter was it not? Well, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Double cream is required, that is cream with a high fat content, and it is not cheap. If you have a dairy cow to hand it would be. It's fun to do and it's not wasted. I took it a stage further. I was not content with hard butter and added some olive oil to make it spreadable. It worked and spreads straight from the fridge. I have no desire to take up butter making full time as it is just a tad expensive but I think I will be buying the cheap supermarket block butter from now on and whipping in some oil.
I used 500mls/1 pint of cream and it yielded just under 250gms/half a pound of butter.
Put the cream in a stand mixer and whip

It will eventually turn yellow

and then separate into butter and butter milk

Strain off the buttermilk. You can use it for baking or just drink it. It is so lovely.

You have to wash the butter to make sure all the buttermilk is out as it would turn the butter rancid. Just knead until the water is clear.
Return it to the mixer bowl and whip in salt if wanted and two tablespoons of oil to make it fridge spreadable. Then just pop it in a container

That's it.

That's so great!
And, it's so pretty!!! I know what you mean about the cost...dairy is SOOO expensive here now. I made cheese and it took basically 4 liters (close to $10) of whole milk to make a little 500-600 gm slab of cheese.
Like you, I think I will leave it to the pro's (although it was fun to try, eh?.)
This is ful Brenso fantastic! look wonderful Brenda!
I love the action shots! Adding oil to the butter was a great idea.
Oh that looks so good!
AND BUTTERMILK! I cannot find it here and have been needing it for a recipe for quite some time. You just saved me!
Now look at you making butter , its so great!
Brenda, that looks amazing!!
Nice bracelet!
Cream is pretty cheap here - or at least it feels cheaper than butter - and I've been so inspired that I bought some to make butter with myself. Of course you know how much I love butter so this is no hardship :)
So easy isn't it Brenda. Great for when you want a special treat but too expensive for everyday.
I love experiments and projects like these. Such excellent results you got.
Wow!!! Cool, I've over whipped cream a few times but it's never occured to me to keep going and make my own butter!! Never tried it with double cream either!! Must give it a go...........
Yes, it looks really familiar :)
Tastes great, doesn't it!
This is so neat! I had no idea this is how butter was made, wonderful tutorial :).
i love butter..
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